Sunday, October 13, 2013

Washing Clothes by Hand! (Revised)

In this entry, I will be reviewing and note additions or changes I would have done while washing my clothes by hand!

Today, I decided to wash my own clothes outside. I've always wondered how it would be like to be in the 1700s washing clothes by hand. Now I know.

I should have also set up a clothesline to hang my close on, rather than using my fence. 

Here is a picture of reenactors doing it:

Women sewed, mended, and washed clothes for the army

One major tool I was missing was a washing board! My family doesn't own one, sadly. I believe I would have gotten a more in-depth experience if I had used one. Also, I didn't use soap of any kind, so that would have been helpful as well.

Truthfully, it is not as easy as it looks! After bending down and washing a pair of pants and a shirt, my back and my hands started to hurt. It is definitely a tedious and exhausting job; I sure wouldn't want to do it all day!

I would have liked the opportunity to go to a creek or river and retrieve water to wash my clothes. Not that it would have been cleaner, but I would have been able to experience the full ordeal of washing clothes during the 1700s and 1800s. 

Here is me washing clothes by hand outside:  

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